Posted by : Diyon Prayudi Kamis, 09 Juni 2016

Thesis is Islamic science has correlation with Philosophy science and have the same of goals.
Philosophy relationship with the other sciences (Islamic Science)
Philosophy is the science that uses reason and thought of human. Philosophy is questions. The questions that arise because of a thought and something that will produce a response. Thought it was born because there is a clear cause and effect. Because caused by natural circumstances or caused by human thought patterns themselves.
Philosophy is freedom. Freedom in giving opinions and able to secure it to a form of belief. The belief that everyone is able to believe. Philosophy can not be said if the statement is not recognized by many people. Philosophy is also a freedom in conducting research on the questions that arise from a person's life and they want to find the truth of the question. Then after getting the truth of a statement can only be inferred from the question that answers itself.
Philosophy also means love. Philosophy also means wisdom. Philosophy has love in his knowledge and wisdom in his thinking. Philosophy is source of knowledge for other sciences. Philosophy can be regarded as the father of science because philosophy has branches of science. The branch of philosophy as the science of psychology. Psychology is a branch of science that comes from philosophy. Talk about the science of psychology psychosis. Learn about human life. Learn about the science of human nature. Speaking of human habits, behavior and anything related to humanity.
In my view that philosophy is a science of ferreting about the life of this universe. Learn about rational thinking and irrational. Philosophy is an assumption that is born of human thought itself and produce a statement. Whether or not the statement was the opposite. The statement will come back to human who receives the statement. My reason that philosophy is the assumption that every human being has their own thoughts. And of each thought it would generate an idea. However, the idea that came up was the idea that can be accepted by the people or vice versa.
In other words, the philosophy is the assumption that human beings are created from human thinking and human questions about something. It could also be said that philosophy is one way of looking toward something with a strong argument as the jib. There is some understanding of philosophy ( wisdom , love , question , freedom , logic , ratio , critical question , ideas , find the truth and experience ).
I have explained the wisdom , and freedom of inquiry. Now I will try to explain the philosophy which means logic. The philosophy of logic , because someone who is looking for the answer of the question that using their logic. For example, when searching for the truth of God that controls the universe. Philosophy can also be referred to as the ratio because philosophy uses reason and ratios. Philosophy is also critical reason for the absence of critical reason that tough questions it must be difficult to get the answer. In addition it is also a philosophy that questions seeking answers. As I described above. However , the usual answer is not easy to convince him. Therefore a philosophy must find the truth.
In my opinion philosophy can also be referred to as an experience. Because philosophy is happening because of the perpetrator 's own philosophy. Performers will experience in the process of finding the answer. And I conclude this process as a philosophical experience. Because it is impossible if the absence of a process philosophy. And the process was not far from the way of thinking and one thing I want to emphasize is to think it is a science like psychology which I have mentioned above.
Such as Descartes said "I think , therefore I am " and Immanuel Kant " accept nothing is true". There is also another character who has a statement like Tales. Tales is the father of philosophy that has the statement " what exactly is this material universe ? ". He is a person who is an expert in the field of mathematics.
Then Anaximandros who has managed to make a map of the earth. Anaximandros is someone who is an expert in the field of literature and geography. Furthermore Heraclitus who earned the nickname "the dark" because of his thinking that believes that the earth is the very opposite of the fire and once with Tales stating that the earth is water. In addition they are also still, he is Parmanides. Parmanides was among the first to use modern thought. He uses a logical science is the study of the size of the truth of the human mind.
I have explained several influential figures in philosophy as above. They are a philosopher who lived in the days
( SM ) in which the science is not as we know it today. Logically they live in the century of science has particularly not wide enough as it is today. Maybe when they lived in the absence of his time as a means of letters and numbers such as reading and arithmetic now. But this is philosophy. Philosophy is the father of science. Philosophy is the source of knowledge.
There are three figures who we are in the world of philosophy. I also believe that all people involved in the world of education must have studied their theories. There may also be many who have studied the theory of them or at least have heard of them either at the Elementary School , Middle or Senior High School or University.
They are Socrates , Plato and Aristotle. They have relationships with one another because they are one-way. Socrates is the teacher of the two famous philosopher Plato and Aristotle are. They have a lot of statements of their philosophy. Until today also many who use their thinking methods.
I think Socrates had a very interesting statement that "know yourself" and a statement that is not less interesting "the truth is in the idea". While the revelation of the plato is "a human being in two worlds , the world of thought and reality , experience is not fixed and permanent idea". Aristotle is a philosopher who earned the nickname as the "father of traditional logic".
He was a pupil of the very famous plato. Aristotle discusses many different types of science such as logic , math and more. Of all the characters that I described above. They all are the philosopher who has extensive knowledge. According to my knowledge they are not just limited to one science alone but has other science.
The question whether the influential philosophy of science with other sciences (Islamic science)? Does Islam have anything to do with science? The answer is no. Why , because of the teachings of Islam as well us using intellect and mind to achieve its own goals. In the teachings of Islam we use human reason to seek God. Without reason and thought it would be impossible to happen. Impossible man will find his God. Besides, it is also a lot of people who became the philosopher of Islam like Al -Kindi , Ibn - Sina , Al - Farabi , Imam Ghazali and other Muslim philosopher. And they are the ones that have a very broad insight.
Like the figures I mentioned at the beginning of my presentation. Prominent Islamic philosopher also have a fairly extensive knowledge. In the Islamic world of science more developed and better compared to the others because Islam has
Al-Qur’an is the answer to everything. Including what is now the science has been there and we enjoy the results. Al-Quran has explained prior to the philosophy and philosophers there and explains something that will happen because they are believ of Muslim.
I think the philosophy of the science of Islamic very influence , but not exhaustive. Islam has Al-Qur’an as a guide in life. Islam has the knowledge derived from human thinking and from Al-Quran itself. Like the Prophet Ibrahim AS seeking whom God . Prophet Ibrahim AS seek god because he thinks who created it and who controls everything. Then he seek God in his own way. Starting from the sun regarded as a God , and other things that have the power.
Islamic philosophy and science have the relationship itself. Although they have different backgrounds. Philosophy is more inclined to Gentiles because their God is God. Like most comes from the Greek philosopher who worship the God Zeus. While Islam has its own beliefs that assume God is Allah. Philosophy and Islam have the same goal , the same way and of course rooted in the same reference that human thought.
There are relationship between Islamic science and philosophy. One of them has correlation. Islamic science cannot stand up without philosophy because however philosophy gives a lot of knowledge on science. I had explained above by figure’s description.  They are the best figure on philosophy science with their statement. There are many philosophy science who used by Islamic science and the other way.
Finally, philosophy science has contributed of Islamic science. Both of them have the same process and the same way in thinking. In find the way of God. Both of them have influenced of the other science. Philosophy science has relationship with Islamic science.

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