Posted by : Diyon Prayudi Kamis, 09 Juni 2016

My Journal
Short Stories Course on Third Semester

Diyon Prayudi
Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University
Bandung 2013
Meeting 1, 20th September 2013
INTRODUCE “Syllabus”
Before Mr. Dian Nurrachman become our lecture in Short Story Course we had taught by Mr. Uday and we had  discussed about Syllabus of Short Story Course, and as long as twice meeting we had studied with Mr. Uday.
And before the schedule was changed I had meet Mr. Dian with all chief of classes. We had talked about changed of schedule of Short Story Course and Mr. Dian was defined why this is happened. Then, after discussed schedule for class “B” changed to Friday at fourth times.
And now the time to our class with Mr. Dian and us discuss about syllabus and all about learning. Introducing syllabus but not introduce himself because we were knew who is he.
Mr. Dian said that we have three absent especially the chance to absent as long as his course and we have to arrangement when we want to used it.
And one topic whose interesting me for study hard is when Mr. Dian talked that he never try again to explain the syllabus in the next time and if there are students who asked about the syllabus so, he never answered.
Then, any assignment and others activities which we do and finishing every week or meeting as:
1.      Make a journal.
2.      Reading the material according the syllabus.
3.      Bring data source (Books base).
4.      The discussion in the class.
5.      And other else.
I think Mr. Dian was explains very clear about this first meeting and we hadn’t confused whatever have to doing by us. Oh, I almost forget that if we haven’t the material or guide book which has been copied at “Arifa” we not allowed to enter and following studying and also if we haven’t read before for the material as syllabus we also can’t to enter.
Meeting 2, 27th September 2013
“Narrative Technique”
Today we are learning short stories again. Last meeting we have learned syllabus and a little of about historical about short stories. Short stories is effect from busier the people when the last 17 century but just as a public social and also effect from the industrial. Short stories are beginning when 19 century, any reason why the short stories beginning when 19 century, because people haven’t time to read novel which needed any time.
Many people who offered to public media to write stories that’s able to read just a few minutes. It’s a reason the short stories born. But, for this week I was not reading Richard Connell: “The Most Dangerous Game” and Richard Ford: “Under the Radar” as the material for we discussed in the class.
Before talked about the studying material I will be explain about something I had accepted in the class by my notes. Mr. Dian was explained “Narrative Technique” and part of the narrative technique as:
Story and progressive plot
1.      Event (s) is the keys to comprehensive a plot (one sentence reflexed news)
2.      Story is arrangement of event (story is chronological, rough material exactly will be not plot yet)
3.      Plot is a wave ripples analogy (each part of plot is event)
4.      Part of plot is story (The primary of principle in a plot is “causality and cause-effect)
Plot almost same with Story, but not same with it for example (Clue of story “So, Then” and Clue of Plot is “Questions and Reason”).
The Construction of Plot
                                           Crisis      Climax
Complication                                                                Anti-climax
Exposition                                                                        Resolution
Beginning                                Middle                                 Ending
And then, after he explained this material we made group (three group) according numbering at the time (just 1-3) and we had gotten job for discussed “The Most Dangerous Games” and I don’t knew because I haven’t read before studying.
I am lucky man because I am in group with someone is smartest in the class. I helped and very easier to discussing it. But, although I haven’t read I had knew that main topic of the text because I used the technique of second semester is “scanning and skimming” and that is very helpful to me and I can give contributed for my group.
Meeting 3, 04th October 2013
Today, we are studying short story course together in this class. As usually the study is beginning with explain from Mr. Dian Nurachman as lecture.
Firts story is “An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge” by Ambrose Bierce and second story is “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner. Before beginning the discussion we have divided two group, group one and two. And for the first group is me and my friends and the second group is my friends also (because we are classmate).
I had discussed about “An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge” by Ambrose Bierce for the first group and “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner.
And accidental I have the first group. As usually I have not read before, actually jus read a little of from the text. But, as usually again I used skimming and scanning.
An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge is story about war, and it happened at korea. And this story is also tell about public civil who has mixed up with this war.
This story beginning from a man stood upon a railroad bridge in northern Alabama, looking down into the swift water twenty feet below. So, it is quite how scared in this story for Farquhar who to be hostage from sildiers of enemy and aslo their (shoulders) want to kill him.
In the second paragraph beyond one of the sentinels nobody was in sight; the railroad ran straight away into a forest for a hundred yards, then curving, was lost to view.
So, we will be find the meaning from each paragraph just from main topic. And we will be expand main topic to be more large again. The main of topic is story about war whom Farquhar to be hostage and he want to escape from the souldiers and meet with his family but it is nothing because it only images.
In the end of story is the interested from Farquhar at the first or beginning who give drink and some of foods for soldiers but in the end Farquhar to be hunted fro the soldiers and to be the enemy of the soldiers.
For the second group has been discussed “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner. I know just a little of from this story because I had focused to our group.
But, Mr. Dian Nurrachman had talked about this story. This story have an relation of development of government because the industrial revolusi. And I topic whose interesting me that this story is only conversation of the neighbors from Emily whom she not obey to government and the end she was death.
I think this story is interested because the author can make this story by more variation who can give enjoyable and not boring to the reader.
And then both of them tell story in the past (I think) because I am not know nearly about this story. But, whatever I can see from date above page of this story.
So, well for the next meeting will be interested if we are together to discussing more enjoable and more confidence to share all abotu of this story in front of our class.
Meeting 4, 11th October 2013
Not arrived because I was get back to my sweet home (BEKASI)
Meeting 5, 18th October 2013
“Point of view”
Today we are discussing about point of view. As usually Mr. Dian Nurrachman explained before. And I am going to write down from my notes.
Point of view, in this case the author or the writer very influence within story. And then point of view divide two part:
1.      The same experience
The same experience, but will be different if told again. In this case is the same experience as for example, there are two students who following the program of faculty, and then they have to told again in front of class, but one of them not same in their story.
2.      Different manner
So, point of view is who tells the story and how the story itself is told.
Point of view and narrative theory, some technical forms:
1.      Author is the real person who compose the story
2.      Narrator is a person their in or outside the story, who tells the story and from him the story gets told.
3.      Narrative is the story itself or something which is told
4.      Narratee is the explicit or implied person or audience to whom the narrator adresses the narrative
Common technique in point of view
1.      First person (can be author or narrator)
2.      Third person (not participant in story)
Third person can be divide two part, the first is third person limited and then third person omnicient, and not anly both of them, anymore one as third person is third person objective.
Then, we are beginning to discuss two stories. But, today is different with the day before because we are together here (A class and B class) and also increasing with D class.
So, before discuss beginning we have divided to be four groups with different class to be united of class.
Two group discussing the same story for same questions. A Clean, Well-Lighted will be discuss by first and second groups. A&P will be discussed by third and fourth group.
We have instruction to find who is author and to compare attitude of the figure or narrator itself. We are analyzing together everyone search of purposes in text. There isn’t class A or B here and also D class.
 We have just fifteen minute to searching all of instruction from Mr. Dian. After we have answered the crew of group divided to believe to me to make presentation in front of other groups.
Time is over and then the delegation of each groups perform, include of me. All groups has been so clearly to discussed for assignment who given from our teacher.
And so am I, I can’t to make a mistake for explain this story “A Clean, Well-Lighten” and really it is good, we able to explained this story so well.
So, next week will more interest than now.
Meeting 6, 25th October 2013
The Variety of Characters and Characterization
1.      Characters
a.      As reader, we come to care to fictional character. The imagery people that which author create to inhabit the story
b.      Well-wrought fictional characters come alive for us when we read, and they are real enough to live in our memories long after their stories have ended
c.       Fictional characters process the kind of reality that dreams have, a reality no less intense for being imagined
d.      Fictional character can be approached with the same concern with which we approach real people
e.      We need to observe their actions, listen to what they say and how they say it
2.      Classification of characters
a.      Major or main character (an important figure)
b.      Minor or peripheral character ( one or more secondary)
c.       Round or dynamic character (present with more figure or always changes)
d.      Plot or static character (usually her only one)
And then for description about “protagonist and antagonist” is “hero” for protagonist and “anti-hero” for antagonist.
3.      Characterization
a.      Showing or dramatic technique
b.      Telling narrative technique
It is the last discussion before midterm and Mr. Dian have not explained more because he is sick.
Tomorrow we will be discussion by group. And we have divided our class to be twelve groups. Then I and Ayu Pratiwi Ulfah to be partner in sixth group to discussing about James Baldwin “Sonny’s Blues”
Meeting 7, 01th November 2013
Mid Test
Meeting 8, 06th November 2013
The Use of Figurative Language: Metaphor, Metonymy, Simile and Symbol on (“Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne and “The Palatski Man” by Stuart Dybek)
Today I have to follow (G Class) because on Friday I become committee of EXOLISTICS (Extra Ordinary Orientation Literature and Linguistic Student). On Tuesday, I was preparing schedule for Wednesday wish I can follow other class for Short Stories Course.
There are not many stories that I can tell again because I was follow the other class. But, I can compare my class and other class. In this class I think discussion have not interested than my class. I know that I have friendship with their class. But this real if I cannot find comfortable if following the other class.
The stories tell about religion. Two of them talk about religion. Religion is about puritan’s religion. The first one explain of group one I still understand because they explained by bahasa and mix with English conversation. However, for the second one I rather understand because of the group second explained by English conversation although there is someone who uses bahasa when she explains.
Meeting 9, 15th November 2013
Mr. Dian is not come in the class today. He is send message to me that he is not come and he want to us to move next week to be double meeting. I have to confirm to all that our lecture is not come and we have not met today.
In fact we have discussed about Edgar Allan Poe “The Cask of Amontillado” and Flannery O’Connor “Good Country” today.
Meeting 10, 22th November 2013
Edgar Allan Poe “The Cask of Amontillado” Flannery O’Connor “Good Country People”
This page has been cut said Mr. Dian in him explained. Because this book is not complete when print. I think is not good for my feel today. I do not know what happen with me. I cannot to focus when my friends explain their presentation like Asep Saipul Muhtadi who explains the material; I can not to concern with my mind.
I have my poetry when I try to concern with course. I write down in my note. I am going to focus again when I wrote my entire mind in the paper. All right! I have concern in my mind.
I have not in my note. I write down in my paper. The story of Edgar Allan Poe talks about romanticism, terror (questioning life as the world consist of dark and dark). This story many talks about figurative of speech like irony (we will go back, your health is gracious). There are many figurative of a speech.
For discuss about Flannery O’ Connor talk about postmodernist doubt that is internal conflicts and questioning life as it should be. One more again, I have not too focused today. My reason is nothing. However, I can understand this story when I ask to my friends in the class. Before, we finished this class. Mr. Dian gives us the result of our mid test. I have good score. I am very glad when I see my score. I think enough for my story today.  
Meeting 11, 29th November 2013
Joseph Conrad “The Lagoon” and James Baldwin “Sonny’s Blues
I think I will be performs yesterday. Because I remember that Mr. Dian is going to double meeting for meeting tenth. However, it is against with my mind and the real that Mr. Dian’s sense is we will have increased time in the same week.
However, we are going to obey of our lecture. In the end, I have time to presentation today. I and ayu is one group who talk about Sonny’s Blues. We have looking for some of reference on internet. We have comprehended to the material. I have an obligation to find biography of the author then ayu has an obligation to understanding the story. I think we are best partner because we have realized to our job.
Eneng’s group is the first one who will be presentation in front of class with their topic is Joseph Conrad “The Lagoon”. They talk about racism and ethnic. The story talks about white man and black man. They are same with my group who talk about racism and ethnic, talk about suffer and discrimination.
Time is arrives to us for presentation our job. I as moderator and Ayu as the narrator of the text beside me help her if she cannot to handle it. I am very confident today. The firstly I feel nervous. With confident we are beginning this section. Then ayu is explains with fluently and hope the other can understand.
My topic is talk about genre music, humanistic, life, family, racism, ethnic and something different at United State America. 
Meeting 12, 06th December 2013
John Steinbeck “The Chrysanthemums” and Anjana Appachana “Her Mother” and Rudyard Kipling “The Gardener”
We are usually study at auditorium of faculty on Friday at 13.00 a clock. However, we are here at faculty 3b to study short stories course for the twelfth meeting.
We had performed just two groups yesterday. We have performed three groups today. The first group is talk about bad relationship between couples of married who have not happiness. The husband is very busy with his job and as if he never acknowledges his wife. In this story his wife was falling in love with other men although the man is not rich. Character in story is Eliza and Henry, and also Thinker (other men).
Gender issue in this story is below:
1.      Feminism (traditional women)
2.      Frustration
3.      Pathetic victim by men
4.      The chrysanthemum
I thing this story has something that discrimination with gender. Men always get their jobs and women have not it.
The second group talks about relationship between mother and her child. According to the topic “Her Mother” this story talk about mother of child who school at United State America. I had forgotten that figure comes from Indian. The culture of Indian is cannot to cut their hair (for Indian’s women is very important).
The third group is talks about “The Gardener”. I have not focused in this subject because I had tired. Increasing this story very difficult to understand and a presentation is not clear. I think not only me who cannot to understand. However, I have noted in my notebook as below:
Character of the story is Helen, Michael, George and other. The real of gardener on this story is an employee of garden, father’s Michael or Jesus Christ. The author is Kipling as the writer on 19 century who has experience about war (world war 1 and 2) and when United Kingdom has the greatest in Europe.
I think enough for my journal today. I have happiness because I can see her do best presentation.
Meeting 13, 13th December 2013
Chinua Achebe “A Civil Peace”, James Joyce “The Boarding House” and Kate Chopin “The storm”
We are discussing three stories today. I had known about A Civil Peace and The Storm. A Civil Peace in Survey of English Contemporary I had presentation in front of class and that is my job. I had known that is talk about is. The storm I had known on first semester in Introduction to Literary Analysis by Mr. Nurkholis. So, I can understand about that story.
The boarding house is one of them which I am not know because today. The boarding house talks about reality life. Talk about money, talk about sex, and dishonest. Character in the story is Mrs. Mooney, Doran and Polly. Doran and Polly have a relationship. Then Mrs. Mooney asked to them to get married because their relationship.

I am feel something who is different today. We almost finish our course on third semester for short story course. Next week we are going to final examination. I hope we will get the best score for this semester. I hope that so much. I am going to say thanks for my lecture (Mr. Dian Nurachman), thanks so much for your knowledge. I cannot understand about story because of you. I can comprehend about the stories. I feel glade in this section and in this class when we were discussing about course. 

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