Posted by : Diyon Prayudi Kamis, 09 Juni 2016

Name  : Diyon Prayudi
Class    : 3B
NIM     : 1125030076
Assignment of Essay Writing Course
Thesis for this topic is the function of mosque and problems of it.
1.      Definition of Mosque
2.      Function of Mosque
3.      Problem of Function
4.      Description Problems of Function’s Mosque (Iqomah Mosque, Kifayatul Ahyar Mosque, As - Sira'j Mosque)
5.      Conclusion and Problem Solving

Contradiction Between Functionality and Habits
The mosque is a building used as a human work as a place of worship for Muslims. The form of the building is getting special treatment because it is considered as a clean, holy, and place a symbol for Muslims. Places of religious teaching and learning activities, reviewing the science of religion, and the right to worship.
However, who would have thought if the mosque is valuable as a clean place, a holy place and also a place to carry out the activities of worship, a place which is not much different than a market full of hustle and activity in it is no longer just a trade for it.
This is only a fraction of the comparisons that I mentioned. Not to mention the comparison with other things such as terminals and stations are always crowded with state of the chaotic and full of people selling and other activities that may be considered disturbing public order.
Markets, terminals and stations are places that became a community center where they can find something they want to meet their needs. Including the mosque which is also a religious community center in which also the spiritual needs of every Muslim.
As well as the events that occurred in Iqomah Mosque which is located at the State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung precisely located on Jl. AH. No. Nasution 105 Cibiru Bandung, which recently experienced changes function. Actual function as a place of worship as a means to earn a living and also a means to socialize, do not forget to also change the function of a means resting place and a place to work on assignments.
It can be proved when the clock lecture lasted not a few students who did the activity as described above. Perhaps because of class hours different from one faculty with other faculty in the UIN Bandung. Moreover fellow majors also have a schedule of different classes so that something like this happens. In addition, at UIN Bandung Iqomah Mosque is located in the campus that allows for the congregation in addition to campus residents can not pray in the mosque because of their ignorance if there is a mosque in the campus. So always crowded mosque filled with student activities.
I think the reason they are looking for the nearest mosque for not too much and save time and have a lot of time off while waiting for the next hour lecture. Maybe if the mosque is situated alongside a road situation like this would be better or worse otherwise. This is because the mosques around campus are also experiencing the same event as well as the Kifayatul Ahyar Mosque become a temporary parking place for vehicles because college students and even lecturers are being repaired and is a strategic place for a mosque located right side of the road and near to campus.
Events experienced by Kifayatul Ahyar Mosque is not much different from that Iqomah Mosque is located inside the campus. This difference is the absence of a student who put their wares such as mineral water, donuts, fried foods, and other snacks at Kifayatul Ahyar Mosque. But still, for the associations of student organizations always refer to mosques around the campus closest to where they congregate. Maybe for some reason that makes the mosques became places for students pavorit UIN Bandung today. If talking so maybe it becomes reasonable because its existence is close to campus that allows students to sell in order to increase their pocket money or to help their semi- money that can still go to college and also facilitate organizational networks as an affordable distance to campus.
But, what has happened to these mosques is exactly what happened also with the mosque that is located a little away from the UIN Bandung, namely As - Sira'j Mosque that placed at Cipadung Bandung area is also a favorite place for me and my friends to pray jum ' at there. As - Sira'j Mosque is located right alongside the road as Kifayatul Ahyar Mosque prayer that allow worshipers to pray apart student here. The mosque is clean, tidy and very comfortable with the situation of the mosque shady room with a rather expansive state parks plus a number of trade artisans selling that allows the congregation feel at home here. It's true that in this mosque there are many kinds of snacks for each day Friday or when the front right ahead jum'atan As - Sira'j Mosque are cheap bookstore that sells many kinds of books, starting from religious books, books on education, a book of poetry and novels and so forth. Besides mosques also hold a lot of artisan trade merchandise such as clothing, tools and utensils, medicines, and food in the form of merchandise.
I think events like this do not just happen in Iqomah Mosque located within the campus, Kifayatul Ahyar Mosque located alongside a road near the campus and As - Sira'j Mosque is a little further away from campus is experiencing changes in the actual functions that place to pray but also as a place to do business, a place to sleep, and a place for discussion. Certainly many other mosques are located in the area surrounding the duo and experienced something like I described above because the community has been widely thought that is becoming a kind of new culture as it has become a habit that is mediocre.

Supposedly the habits that lead to a form of culture that can not be avoided with good introspective. Not one person make a living, social activities and organization, but they should be able to position themselves where they are supposed to do activities. Such person shall sell outside the mosque area, because there are many places to sell other than inside the mosque. Such organizations should have not to do association in the mosque, as an organization should have a space for their own organization. Student activities such as sleeping in the mosque and do the work they should do in the mosque at the lodging house or their house and do not interfere with the activity of worship in the mosque. And should these mosques also have strong rules to avoid such events in order to function mosque for prayers be returned to the state in good faith and as comfortable.

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