Posted by : Diyon Prayudi Rabu, 11 Mei 2016

Name  : Diyon Prayudi
Class   : II B
NIM    : 1125030076
Metaphor ( Perumpamaan )
A.    Concrete
1.      Your face rather blue, I think you have fall on the floor.
( Habis terbentur dan jatuh di lantai )
2.      My heads so hard, maybe I am headache.
( Sakit kepala )
3.      Your skins so softly, I think you have bathes over twice every day.
( Kulitnya sangat halus dan mulus )
4.      Your mouth very red, I think you have kissed from your honey.
( Habis bercumbu mesra dengan pacar )
5.      Her face’s so beauty, I think she is Elizabeth.
( Cantik seperti ratu Elizabeth )
6.      Your face so pale, I think you sick.
( Sedang sakit )
7.      Your heads so cool, I think you are wise man.
( Orang yang bijaksana )
8.      My father likes so angry, I think I have a mistakes.
( Ayah marah kepada saya )
9.      Your body’s so white, I think you are Princess.
( Sangat cantik )
10.  My life so happy, I think I was falling in love.
( Sedang bahagia )
B.     Abstract
1.      My life started from a dream.
( Cita-citanya berawal dari angan-angan )
2.      You are rainbow in My World.
( Kau adalah belahan hatiku )
3.      Time is money for life. 
( Manfaatkan waktu )
4.      My eyes so lightening if I see you.
( Sedang jatuh cinta )
5.      You are so kinds, I think you are The Angle in world.
( Kekaguman terhadap wanita )
6.      You are never looks in my heart.
( Aku tidak pernah mencintaimu )
7.      Steer away from the controversy.
( Memegah alih )
8.      I switched the direction of the issue.
( Mendapatkan informasi )
9.      She followed her own agenda today.
( Melakukan pekerjaan sesua rencana )
10.  She is going to be a good girl in future.
( Suatu saat dia akan menjadi istri yang soleha )
Simile is Figure of speech that usage of as and like.
A.    Concrete
1.      She is so sweet like Dian Sastro Wardoyo.
2.      He is so angry and looks like Monster in front of all.
3.      My Girl Friend very kindly likes her mom.
4.      Your brain better than calculator.
5.      She is smart woman like Queen of Elizabeth.
6.      She is tall woman like Luna Maya.
7.      Yond is stranger boy as The Monkey.
8.      He is handsome boy like Prince in The Castel.
9.      You swim very fast as a Shark.
10.  You are so frighten as a tiger being hungry.
B.     Abstract
1.      Her face very red after she said love to Yond as tomato.
2.      Her nose so sharp like as knife.
3.      She has a long hair as noodles.
4.      He has mouth so smell as rubbish.
5.      You are very beauty and so sweet like an Angle.
6.      Your body so slim as a guitar Spain.
7.      Her eyes very big as a ball.
8.      You are everything without you this world as had the end.
9.      Her feet very soft as foot of table in living room.
10.  Your heart very hard as a stone in the yard.
1.      The Stars has dancing when I looks you smile.
2.      The Guitar singing when I feel the sadness.
3.      My Laptop can smile to me when I am started to refresh just I do.
4.      The Piano heard so sweet when you and me dance together.
5.      My pen like as speak up to me when I am writing this letters for my girl friend
6.      Watch is laughing to me when I am crying beside the wall.
7.      Wave as if dancing on the Beach today.
8.      The sky as if crying when it known you have leaved me now.
9.      A Cup Coffee makes me feel life today.
10.  The Stars and Moon dance together because of you.
11.  The Ring just now said to me because you are my heart.
12.  The Sky very light as my heart today very good.
13.  Sunrise smile in the morning and greet to me.
14.  The ball falls from above to down as if it has broken.
15.  The ocean danced in the moonlight.
16.  The popcorn leapt out of the bowl.
17.  The butterflies in the meadow seemed to two-step with one another.
18.  The flowers waltzed in the gentle breeze.
19.  Her life passed her by.
20.  The window panes were talking as the wind blew through them.
  1. I never give up to take yours heart until I die.
  2. Even Elephant seems small in front me to keep you.
  3. He is stone head because him difficult to give known
  4. I will die if she asks me to sing in front of everyone.
  5. She is crying so hard even has broken anything around us.
  6. He is as big as a grown elephant!
  7. His smile was like horse.
  8. Her eyes were as wide as saucers.
  9. His teeth were blinding white.
  10. My home very large until 2000 km/cubic.
  11. I don't have two cents to spare.
  12. I give my heart for you if you doubt to me.
  13. Your skin so beauty like flowers in the garden, oh my honey.
  14. The leaves danced in the summer breeze.
  15. My girl’s friend uses so much makeup; she broke a chisel trying to get it off last night!
  16. Really, I so love you my honey, you are my heaven.
  17. My cat is so ugly, he only has mouse friends!
  18. The town I grew up in is so isolated; rock, paper, scissors is considered a high tech game.
  19. She is a big girl look like Elephant in wild.
  20. She nearly drowned in her tears.
  21. The gaping hole would have swallowed America.
  22. I will be love you go on until the mountain to be seas.
  23. Her beauty eclipsed the sun.
  24. My tear will be witness for quite my love to you.
  25. You are seas and wave who make me frighten because I am not able swimming.
  26. My love to you as The Sun and Stars.
  27. The sky is crying because you have suffered and I am so sadly.
  28. Your body so perfect like guitar Spain so sexy your body if I see it.
  29. I will be super hero to keep you anywhere.
  30. Football soccer Indonesian is famous in the world.
Synecdoche is figure of speech say part to change the thing with totality or the other way.
  1. The United States won a gold medal in an event.  
  2. The word "police" can be used to represent only one or a few police officers.
  3. The "pentagon" can refer to a few decision-making generals.
  4. "Capitol Hill" refers to both the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives.  
5.      Indonesia is a Beauty States.
6.      Indonesian is going to choose Miss Indonesian tonight.
7.      In the champion Indonesia against Malaysia for next week.
8.      Bali is beauty beach in Indonesia.
9.      Until now she never looks her nose.
10.  Indonesia won in AFF 2018.
11.  If “the world” is not treating you well, that would not be the entire world but just a part of it that you've encountered.
12.  My heart is my life.
13.  The word "society" is often used to refer to high society or the social elite.
14.  Each peoples get money 3 million.
15.  SBY is a command of Indonesia.
Irony explained the contradiction meaning its mean to getting the raspberry or joke.
1.      Your body so fragrant until I am disable to breath.
2.      Your mouth so small how many noodles you have eaten.
3.      I think you are on time, could you tell what is time now??
4.      The food is not bad I really dislike to it
5.      When we are going to campus because now have miss lesson.
6.      You are not wrong but we have angry to you.
7.      I think she is beauty but my Girl Friend better than her.
8.      Your appearance so good until everyone dislike to you.
9.      He is handsome boy so smell.
10.  Could you give me away??
11.  This room so empty everyone cannot to move little of.
12.  Your body so soft could you tell me what soap you used??
13.  This class so clean until I was falling on the tile.
14.  Your homes so beauty seems homes of Ghosts.
Litotes explained something with contradictive way from the fact. The purpose it is to come down the people which do that.
  1. I think I am not perfect boy.
  2. She's not the brightest girl in the class.
  3. No problem this is not bed foods.
  4. Heat waves are not rare in the summer.
  5. It won't be easy to find crocodiles in the dark.
  6. She is not famous in this city.
  7. Please, just it I can do for you.
  8. Running a marathon in under two hours is no small accomplishment.
  9. My father is not Hero here.
  10. I am so sorry I think I have a mistake.
  11. You're not doing badly.
  12. You are not wrong.
  13. She's not a bad writer at all.
  14. I am just secret admire for it.
  15. I think it is so hard for me.
  16. You are the best friends.
Sarcasm Euphemisms are coded expressions that we use when whatever we are referring to is considered inappropriate for the circumstances or when we are embarrassed or uncomfortable with the literal version.
1.      Well, this day was a total waste of makeup.
2.      You are stupid girls in my eyes.
3.      Well, aren’t we just a ray of frigging sunshine?
4.      You have not ear until this all happened.
5.      Make yourself at home! Clean my kitchen.
6.      Never wishing my love for you, because I have a Girl Friend.
7.      Don’t bother me. I’m living happily ever after.
8.      You are so strangers here.
9.      Do I look like a frigging people person?
10.  This isn’t an office. It’s Hell with fluorescent lighting.
11.  I started out with nothing & still have most of it left.
12.  I tell you, don not you brave to comebacks here.
13.  I pretend to work. They pretend to pay me.
14.  Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap! You choose.
15.  Practice random acts of intelligence & senseless acts of self-control.
16.  I wish for a world of peace, harmony, & nakedness.
17.  Do you knows, what a stupid you are?
18.  She looks like as a dog!
Euphemism Euphemisms are coded expressions that we use when whatever we are referring to is considered inappropriate for the circumstances or when we are embarrassed or uncomfortable with the literal version.
  1. Differently-abled instead of handicapped or disabled.
  2. Fell off the back of a truck instead of stolen.
  3. Relocation center instead of prison camp.
  4. Adult entertainment instead of pornography.
  5. Use the rest room instead of go to the bathroom.
  6. Break wind instead of pass gas.
  7. Economical with the truth instead of liar.
  8. Powder your nose instead of use the rest room.
  9. The birds and the bees instead of sex.
  10. Between jobs instead of unemployed.
  11. Sanitation engineer instead of garbage man.
  12. Where I am able to find my heart.
Under Statement Understatement is a figure of speech in which there is a contrast between the description and reality. As such, understatement can be used to reflect modesty, sarcasm, derogatory or complimentary tone.
1.      She is beauty but ugly girls.
2.      I am hungry but I want to drinks.
3.      I never know you are her girls friends
4.      The sky blue and sunny.
5.      This foods so delicious but expensive.
6.      You are stupid but you so polite.
7.      It impossible because it is so hard to do.
8.      I doubt with your brain but I believed with yours skill.
9.      I miss you but I hate you.
10.  You are everything but not for me.
11.  He is handsome boy but she likes s girls.
12.  She is beauty girls but she likes a man.
13.  I never know really you are my brothers.
14.  It is easy but nobody able to do it.
15.  It is so far but I am not feel I am tired.
Over Statement
1.      I feel The Sun have burned my heart.
2.      I feel The Stars dancing with me on the night.
3.      Thorn had make me suffer and broken.
4.      The wall as laugh to me and said you are stupid boy.
5.      I feel The Sky is crying to me.
6.      The night is going to carrying me to lose this world.
7.      The Heaven as if went from my life.
8.      The Hell as if comes in my life since I meet you in the club.
9.      The watched as if speak up to me when I am lazy.
10.  The lamp will be light when I walk alone.
11.  The Class as if empty and joke with me even when I am studying.
12.  I feel wave is going to break my heart.
13.  The train will be disturbs me when I am crossing now.
14.  I feel the summer will be so far away from me.
15.  I feel The Sky keep me from The Sun.
Allegory explains something with another way; take a figure of speech or delineation.
  1. Does Plato's allegory of the cave ring a bell? One of the most well know citations of allegory, humans are herein depicted to be imprisoned in cave; their bodies are chained and they can only see the shadows of living things. They are thus tricked into believing that these shadows are the real deal and perceive them to be the right sight. Plato hence plays with the notion that if these people had to be freed loose, they could perceived “true” reality and encounter the divine light of the sun. What Plato is actually trying to imply is that what if these people suddenly embrace philosophy and become enlightened by it?
  2. The Holy Bible, especially the Old Testament and The Book of Revelation in the New Testament ooze out examples with intriguing allegory. 'The Prodigal Son' narrated by Jesus Christ speaks about the younger of two sons grabbing his share of his father’s estate and flees the city to have a ball! He eventually blows up all his money and arrives at the brink of starvation and rushes to his father for forgiveness. His father was moved by compassion and ordered for a goat to be slaughtered for his son had returned! Hence, this parable uses the father’s generous joy as an allegory to convey the theological point that God showers us with infinite mercy!
  3. Animal Farm by George Orwell epitomizes allegory and has used it to its best potential. Orwell demonstrates the psychological foundation of revolution. His characters are essentially pigs masquerading as political figures of the Russian revolution. Old Major the ruler and white boar is an allegory of Karl Marx and Lenin, the founders of communism. Napoleon, the ferocious Berkshire Boar and the main villain of Animal Farm reminds readers of Stalin’s brutal traits. Observe the menagerie of diverse characters and notice how the sheep can be compared to the gullible masses. The allegory in this novel blends satire and subtle symbolism to a highly remarkable peak. If you haven’t read it yet, get moving to the closest bookstore and have a splendid laugh!
  4. Don’t you love Aesop’s Fables? Moreover, the Boy who Cried Wolf? The prankster of a boy learns his lesson as he fooled his neighbors not once but twice that a wolf had threatened to attack him and his flock of sheep. The Concerned neighborhood stormed out of their respective dwellings to bail the boy out of trouble only to realize they have been bamboozled! Alas! When the wolf in actuality comes to attack, the boy’s cries for help are rendered futile and the people feign deafness. Hence, the allegory insinuates the danger of lies!
  5. Boetheus’ ‘Consolation’ becomes the inspiration for the allegory used by Dante, Boccaccio, and Chaucer, and as well inspires the Arthurian myths. Dante, a master of allegory has used extended allegory to symbolize sins. Wherever he has described the levels of Hell or Purgatory, he matches it with a punishment that represents and fits the crimes committed.
  6. In poetry, Edmund Spenser's ‘The Faerie Queen’s is a classic example of allegory. Written in praise of Queen Elizabeth I, the poem is greatly symbolic where several knights stand for virtues like friendship, truth and justice, all represented allegorically and beautifully.
7.      Live like as the river that through mountain side, sometimes difficult and sometimes easy and have fun, that acquiesce to get rubbish and the end stopped when meet with seas.
8.      My life like The Stars who company moon and always together without so far.
9.      The garden is so beauty with the flowers and some of children who playing football.
10.  John is a good boy like king of Henry and King of Arthur.

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