Posted by : Diyon Prayudi Minggu, 03 Mei 2015

Diyon Prayudi, 1B, Assignment for Sentence Writing

My purpose on write this story as assignment had Mr. Riza given to us in the class. I will be story about my life especially around my Childhood. Like is commonly with other child, child hood is a timing beauty and so fun, not be there are load and above all not be something that disturb about my mind around basic necessities of life and management of self while I had adult like now, who have many job and activities that must be responsible with myself.

My childhood, seems with the other child, I like to travelling and go anywhere, sometime fighting with my parent, sometime prefers to eat with my friend and like everything that amazing, sometime ever like with girls although I still child and still asked money to my parent, and I ever unhonest with my parent if they asked to me “ You are ok at school ?“, really I suffer if my friends is so crazy and always disturb me and my group.

Niat is a my friend who always disturb me and friend at Elementary School, He taller than me and he oldest than in the class. I`m usualy play in yard of school, playing football or playing marble. When we are playing Niat always disturb us, he usually take my marble and disturb if we are playing football together on the yard. But I really symphaty with him because he come from poor family and not enough money to buy something, not like me and group that able to buy something which our need.

When I stayed in Elementary School, that is moment so beauty and never I forgotten until now. Buildings, classes, yards, teachers and all there are at School. Never able to change with everything, and I still remember when I become official ceremony and I ever follow contest about Civic Education. So much my remembrances in Elementary School and I satisfied while I child formerly.
I live at beauty village, safety and comfortable village and also very much Factory at My village, and that all can be terrible to pollution air. Buildings of Factory can see so clear from trisno house`s, he is a close friend for me, trisno house`s so nearly with Factory, and that so not good for life

But because it, we are much money and not a shortage of that. Very much peoples come here and stayed for them job and that means many people needed place for them stayed and we are have large land for accommodate them and we get them money from it. They are work for them life and we are get money because them bill for stayed.

Formerly, before many Factories at village we always play at Region and name of Region is Region MM2100. Formerly region is empty not many factories and we are often in area, look for fish Sapu-sapu ( In my Language ) together with my friend. Usually we are searching that fish for game and only for fill my spare time, and also just for collection.

Formerly still have long-grass and we are usually walk to Region, because not far from our house. Only 5 minute if we are by Motorcycle and around 15 minute if by foot. Not far because only 2 kilometer from my house. When fasting month arrived, we are always to Region for playing after subuh pray together with my friend, I never forgot if formerly this Region is a village, the name is Rawa Batok village, but because Building Factories had growded so fast, however this village will be changed become The Region.

At the Region I prefer play at Lake because on the Lake a fair of bellows of wind very slowly and make me comfortable with situation around Region. And all my problems can be lost and never ways in my mind, I usually saw Lake alone and look the sky with open eyes, and I have imagination about my future, beauty or no and I never know like what a my future.

Name of my village is Rawa Banteng, there are street Setu, Mekar Wangi rt 001/001 West Cikarang in Bekasi- West Java 17520. Here I was born, here in this village I growed, and here I enjoy moment of my Childhood, because this is my village. I have many friends, we are before incoming to Elementary School had friendship, not strange if we had friendship when we are child because our house neighboring and also our parents had friendship when them child also.

They are like us now, perhaps. We are always have fun together, sad together, and go anywhere together, formerly me and friends often fishing at Swamp, at Wet rice field and also swimming on The River, and I always climb mango tree and the rose apple and other tree around our yard. We are also often playing football in Mr.ida’s garden and usually he dislike with us because we are always playing in his garden, Mr. Ida so fierce and cruel if us used his garden for playing football and the end we must be silent if we playing football.

After school we are always go to Wet rice field for doing our activities and its always we are do. Commonly we went to Wet rice field look for fruits, fishing and playing siwft and all item we like it. If dry season, we are playing swift at Wet rice field since return school to evening before Maghrib Pray and my mother often blew my top because I had forgotten to eaten.

When we are playing swift I prefer playing my swift by hand, beside economic that also make me satisfied because something by hand can flying so high and not be lost with my friends owner. Make a swift by hand is easy only needed bamboo, knife, thread and also glue as adhesive.

When rainy season arrived its over I doing at Wet rice field is look for fish by Nyerok, Cengkaling, Nimba ( In my language ). Nearly a long rainy reason me and friends there are Wet rice field and look for fish and fishing at river, beside that is my activities when I child until now it is my hoby and I so like with fishing at River, Lake and also Sea. Fish from I got usually we roast together and it is so fun, until now I had adult like this I still seem doing it.

My Childhood not far from adventure like programs on the television Trans 7 “ Si Bolang “, who like be adventure and go anywhere. My Childhood never can be forgotten in my memory and never lost in my mind. Friendship, fishing, climb to tree, swimming at River, fishing at Lake, playing football, playing marble, playing a swift and activities when I child is a my proudly and also my properties in my life.

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